The Structure of Concern Project compares many theoretical models from many disciplines to the Adizes PAEI model, arguing that they must all be reflecting the same underlying phenomenon. One concern structure model is described below.
This occupational self-assessment instrument popularizes temperament for work teams, using birds to symbolize different character types and working environments (Hately & Schmidt, 1998). The types are listed below:
P – Hawk: Commanding, direct, productive, no small talk, fast, impatient, thrive under challenge and high pressure. Hawk work units are fast-paced, action-oriented, no-nonsense and dynamic. High rate of change and many chances to shine. Little supervision, direct and blunt communications.
A – Owl: Detailed and practical, focused on objective data, steady, methodical, thorough, neat, well-organized, slow and well-considered speech. Owl work units are stable and predictable, emphasize policy and procedure, slow to move, quiet, neat, tidy and calm.
E – Peacock: Lively, expressive, big-picture thinker, enjoy holding peoples’ attention, telling stories, change, novelty, fun, dislikes routine, structure, rules, details. Peacock work units are creative, energetic, innovative, democratic, relaxed, unstructured, visionary, entrepreneuring, noisy, messy, fun and highly interactive.
I – Dove: Team-player, mediator, well-liked, deferent, solicitous, enjoying collaboration, cooperation, group activities, camaraderie, harmony, dislikes conflict, confrontation. Dove work teams are collaborative, supportive, participatory, harmonious and consensus-driven. Work is steady and manageable, and competition within the team is discouraged.