Duke Corporate Education - Stakeholder Styles

The Structure of Concern Project compares many theoretical models from many disciplines to the Adizes PAEI model, arguing that they must all be reflecting the same underlying phenomenon. One concern structure model is described below.

In a book called Influencing and Collaborating for Results, the writers at Duke Corporate Education (2005) introduce a four-part typology of stakeholder personality styles, positioning it as a kind of summary of various personality measures that managers might have encountered in their careers. The four personality types are:

P – Skeptic: Risk-averse and not willing to rock the boat. Follows the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” approach. Doesn’t consider all new ideas as “advances”.
A – Evaluator: Cautious, but willing to take calculated risks if the facts support it. Will want to see the supporting data and give careful analysis.
E – Enthusiast: Open to new ideas and trying new approaches. Enthusiastic, optimistic, a “big picture” visionary or entrepreneur. Likely to look for and take advantage of new opportunities that are tightly connected to strategy.
I – Angler: Less concerned about the project itself and more concerned about the political implications and personal benefits of involvement. Interested in what he or she can gain by engaging in the challenge. Looks for all the angles.

1. Duke Corporate Education. (2005). Influencing and Collaborating for Results. Chicago: Dearborn Trade Publishing.
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